Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Body Weight Workout!

Here is a quick intense workout I came up with while vacationing in Hawaii this summer. Since I did not have weights, the workout had to require using just my body weight. This workout definitely rocked my legs and glutes big time.

(2 rounds) Total of 50 reps for each movement

25 Sit Ups

25 Jumping Lunges

25 Push Ups

25 Jumping Squats

25 Burpees

25 Butt Kicks, "Rock Stars"

I did this 2 times through. Pretty intense but short and sweet. Jumping lunges, lunge (Stationary) then jump up and switch legs land and lunge repeat. Jump Squats, Squat down then jump land and squat down repeat. You can touch the floor between your legs with one arm to make sure your getting down far enough. Burpee's, go from a standing position into a plank then lower yourself "All" the way down to the floor like a push up. After you do a pushup and are in a plank position again jump or step your feet forward and jump up in the air. Come back to your standing position and repeat. Butt Kicks, or “Rock Stars,” stand in place jump up and kick your butt with your feet land then repeat. Good luck enjoy the body weight workout!

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