Friday, September 16, 2011

Healthy Snacks I turn to throughout the day

I am always asked the question, “What kind of snacks do you eat?” Well to be honest it’s pretty boring and simple. But here are a few I turn to regularly..

1. Mixture of unsalted nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts and sunflower seeds) with some raisins.

2. Cucumber slices, carrots or bell peppers dipped in humus

3. Banana slices with almond butter or sunflower seed butter

4. Celery slices with almond butter

5. Hard boiled eggs

6. Apples always fill me up

7. Couple handfuls of raw veggies

I do follow a healthy diet for the most part but I also like to live some too! So it wouldn’t be fair for you to believe I’m 100% on all day. Ha ha.. My cheats are good yummy cheeses and anything with dark chocolate. You have to allow yourself some variety and some weak moments otherwise you’ll find yourself in the kitchen at 1:00 am or completely blowing it..

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